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What’s in season: November produce guide

As each new month arrives, it’s fun (and healthy!) to consider creative ways to incorporate seasonal produce into your routine. These peak-ripeness fruits and veggies are often grown closer to where you’re buying them, and for a variety of reasons, in-season produce can be more affordable than its hot-house or imported counterparts. Knowing what’s in season is not only a great way to enjoy produce when it’s at its most delicious, but also a simple way to make produce the star of your grocery budget. Let’s see what’s in store this month.

November’s best produce: Vegetables in season right now

November means we’re approaching winter as we enter the last full month of autumn. With many summer and fall fruits and veggies no longer in season, we welcome this month’s emergence of hearty veggies like Brussels sprouts and leeks. Plus, kale, peas, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, spinach, broccoli, and artichokes are still in season. 



Martin Adams – unsplash.com.

Almost all commercially grown domestic artichokes are grown in California, which might be why the artichoke is California’s official state vegetable. Morethan 65 percent of all California’s chokes are grown in Castroville, a small town in Monterey County, California. So, it makes sense that Monterey County launched an Artichoke Trail, and Castroville hosts an annual Artichoke Festival, both of which celebrate creative artichoke dishes and encourage visitors to learn more about this delicate flower that acts as a veggie.

But artichokes are more than festival fodder. They’re also very good for you. Artichokes are low in calories and are an excellent source of fiber (about 5 grams per 3 oz. serving) and a good source of copper and folate. They also contain a bit of potassium, magnesium, protein, and Vitamin C. All great reasons to try fresh artichokes this month!

How to choose and store artichokes

To choose fresh artichokes, my grandmother used to swear by the “squeak test”: Give the artichoke a little squeeze, and if it squeaks, it’s fresh. But you can also look for firm artichokes with tightly packed leaves that are heavy for their size and deep green in color. Just be sure to avoid artichokes that have soft spots or dark stems. And to make sure your fresh ‘chokes last for up to a week, you’ll want to store them in the refrigerator. You’ll know that your ‘chokes don’t have a lot of time left if you notice the leaves starting to spread. 

How to prepare artichokes

It’s true that fresh artichokes can seem tricky to prepare and eat. But it’s a lot easier than it seems. In addition to the edible heart and stems (peel those stems, and they’re delish!), you’ll also find edible meat on the petals/leaves of the ‘choke. To eat the petals/leaves, simply pull them away from the body of the ‘choke and, with your teeth, scrape the base of the petal (where you see the soft, pulpy bit). To find the heart, scoop out and discard the furry center. And to eat the stems, simply peel and enjoy.

Of course, artichoke stems and hearts can also be steamed, roasted, grilled, or sauteed. They’re great in salads, soups, pasta dishes, frittatas, and casseroles. You can even stuff these versatile veggies with brown rice, whole wheat couscous, or lean proteins.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these ideas: 


Seasonal produce - Freshly harvested broccoli crowns

Evrymmnt – stock.adobe.com

Broccoli, like cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, and turnips, is a flowering plant in the mustard family. Although broccoli was cultivated as early as the 6th century BCE by the Etruscans, it’s a relative newcomer to the Americas: Broccoli wasn’t grown commercially in the US until the 1920s. And though there are theories, it’s not entirely clear why broccoli sometimes gets a bad rap—it’s extremely nutritious and delicious! One cup of raw broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins C and K. It’s also a good source of fiber and folate.  

How to choose and store broccoli

Choose broccoli with tight, compact florets, dark green heads, and firm light green stalks without blemishes. Avoid broccoli with shriveled stems, wilted, discolored, flowering heads, or browning, yellowing leaves. Store dry broccoli in the refrigerator’s produce drawer for up to one week.

How to prepare broccoli

Though broccoli florets are popular with many, don’t toss those stems! Broccoli stems are a crunchy treat when cooked or raw. But if you ever find yourself with particularly woody or tough stems, simply peel them to unearth the tender flesh. Stems can even be used to enjoy hummus and other dips. Broccoli florets and stems are crunchy and delicious served raw as a snack or added to green salads. Broccoli is also tasty in soups, pasta dishes, stir-fries, or casseroles. And best of all, broccoli makes a quick, healthy side dish; try it steamed, sauteed, grilled, or roasted. Just be careful not to overcook your broccoli; you don’t want it to be mushy. To grill, toss halved broccoli spears with olive oil, garlic powder, and lemon juice, then place directly on the grill at medium heat for eight to ten minutes, turning occasionally.  

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these hearty dishes from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:

Brussels sprouts

Seasonal produce - fresh Brussels sprouts on the stalk

mylasa – stock.adobe.com.

Cultivated since at least the 16th century in Brussels, Belgium, these veggies are named for the city. Like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, Brussels sprouts are cruciferous vegetables in the Brassica oleracea family. When roasted with a little olive oil, Brussels sprouts won’t be bitter or sulfuric; they’ll be nutty and sweet. Plus, they’re nutritious: One cup of sprouts is an excellent source of Vitamins K and C and a good source of folate and fiber.

How to choose and store Brussels sprouts

Choose small Brussels sprouts; the smaller sprouts are sweeter and more tender, while the larger sprouts will taste more like cabbage. If you happen upon Brussels sprouts still attached to their tall stalks, buy them! Those stalks keep the sprouts from drying out post-harvest and will help sprouts stay fresh longer. Also, look for sprouts that are bright green, firm when squeezed, and whose leaves are tightly layered. Avoid wilted and blemished sprouts and those with yellow, wrinkled, or holey leaves. Store dry sprouts in a plastic bag in the produce drawer of your refrigerator for four to five days. Though they can last a few weeks, sprouts will lose their sweet flavor as they age.

How to prepare Brussels sprouts

Before cooking your Brussels sprouts, remove any wilted outer leaves, trim stem ends so that they’re flush with the bottom, and cut a small “x” in the base with a sharp knife (which will help the sprout cook evenly). Brussels sprouts are delicious roasted or steamed as a side dish. Plus, they’re great when added to salads, casseroles, stir-fries, pasta dishes, and even soups. To roast as a side dish, cut sprouts in half, toss with a bit of olive oil and lemon juice, and roast for 20 to 30 minutes at 425 F. You can steam whole Brussels sprouts in about eight minutes.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these hearty dishes from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:


Heirloom multicolored carrots in a basket

PIERRE JEAN C – stock.adobe.com

Though there are different varieties of carrots, those baby carrots you find at the supermarket aren’t baby versions of any of them; they’re actually mature orange carrots that are machine-cut, peeled, and buffed into bite-sized carrots. And carrots aren’t just orange; they come in a variety of colors, such as white, red, yellow, and purple. In fact, scientists believe that orange carrots weren’t cultivated until the 1400s; before that, humans were primarily eating the yellow and purple varieties.

No matter the color, carrots are a healthful snack. They are an excellent source of Vitamin A and a good source of fiber.

How to choose and store carrots

Choose firm, evenly shaped carrots that are bright in color. Avoid carrots that are cracked, split, limp, mushy, or moldy. If your carrots still have their green tops, look for vibrant carrot greens that have not started to wilt or decay. Store unwashed carrots in a plastic bag in the refrigerator’s produce drawer for up to two weeks. Cut off carrot greens before refrigerating, but don’t throw them out; they’re delicious!

How to prepare carrots

Raw carrots can be a crunchy and satisfying snack, but they can also be added to salads and used instead of crackers to enjoy hummus or yogurt dips. And carrots are also wonderful when roasted, grilled, steamed, blanched, boiled, or added to soups and stews. Cooked carrots are great additions to pasta dishes, rice dishes, casseroles, and stir-fries. For a simple side dish, toss carrots with a bit of olive oil and roast at 425F for 20 to 25 minutes or until caramelized and fork tender. Add fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon for an extra zing.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these hearty dishes from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:


Seasonal produce - curly kale for sale at a farmers market in May

Victor Birai – unsplash.com

It’s easy to assume that kale is a type of lettuce, but kale is actually a member of the cabbage (brassicas) family, along with collard greens, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower. This cruciferous leafy green has been a part of the human diet since medieval times. And for good reason! Kale is a nutrient-dense veggie. About two packed cups of raw kale (85g) provides most of the Vitamin C you need in a day, and is also an excellent source of Vitamin A and manganese. It’s also very high in Vitamin K—nearly three days’ worth of the recommended amount of Vitamin K are in those two cups, along with a bit of iron, folate, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. 

How to choose and store kale

Choose kale bunches with firm dark leaves and thin stems. Avoid kale leaves that are wilted, browning/yellowing, or have a strong odor. The smaller the leaves, the milder and more tender the kale will taste. To keep fresh for longer, store dry kale in a bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator for up to 5 days. 

How to prepare kale

Of course, kale is excellent raw, steamed, or sauteed! Add kale to soups, salads, pasta dishes and sauces, stir-fries, omelets, dips, and smoothies. In fact, you can add kale to hot soups and pasta dishes at the end of cooking time—the heat from the dish will cook the leaves until they’re bright green. Vibrant green kale will be tender yet slightly crisp. Kale is also a fun pizza topping and can make for a wonderful and simple snack or side dish. For a simple snack of kale chips, remove kale leaves from the stems, chop or tear into bite-sized pieces, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with a dash of salt, and bake for 10 to 15 minutes at 400 F. For a tasty side dish, sauté kale with olive oil, a little salt, and a dash of red pepper flakes. Alternatively, add a small amount of water to a pot and steam kale for 5 to 10 minutes. Keep in mind that one pound of fresh kale will cook down to about 1 cup.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood

Want even more options? Try these recipes from Oregon State University:


Seasonal produce - Large green leeks just harvested, with roots and dark green tops

Graham – stock.adobe.com.

Like onions, chives, garlic, and shallots, leeks are alliums. Though leeks taste similar to their onion cousins, they’re a bit milder and a bit sweeter in flavor. Domesticated as early as 2000 BCE, the leek has a storied history. And they’re more nutritious than you might think: One cup of cooked leeks is an excellent source of Vitamin K and a good source of manganese.

How to choose and store leeks

Choose smaller, firm leeks with long white stems. They should still have some roots, and dark green leaves that look healthy from root to tip. Avoid leeks that are limp, shriveling, yellowing, or mushy. Store dry leeks in a plastic bag in the refrigerator’s produce drawer for up to two weeks. Quick tip: If they’re too long to fit in the produce drawer, go ahead and trim the dark green leaves so that they do fit.

How to prepare leeks

Start by cutting off the end of the root. From there, separate the dark green leaves from the leeks’ light green/white parts. Since the darker green tops are tougher than the lighter green sections, cut leeks where the green begins to darken. And be sure to clean leeks well before cooking; since dirt gets stuck in between the layers, it’s important to plunge sliced or chopped leeks into cold water until they’re clean to remove the grit.

Though most recipes will call for only the light green and white parts of the leek, don’t throw away those dark green sections: They can be braised or used to make stock, pesto, or risotto. The leek’s light green and white parts can be sliced thin and used in salads, added to soups, stews, pasta dishes, casseroles, and omelets. Some tend to find undercooked leeks less than appealing, so you can always quickly sauté them in a bit of olive or canola oil before adding them to a recipe.

Looking for a tasty recipe? Try The Healthy Cook’s Braised Spring Vegetables

Want a few more delicious ideas? Try these recipes:  


April produce - Fresh pea pods in a compostable box

David Trinks – unsplash.com

Humans have a very long history with peas. Researchers believe humans have been eating peas for about 9,500 years and cultivating them for 8,500 years. Ancient Greek and Roman writers even wrote about peas in some of their work! And that’s not the only fascinating thing about these pulses that act as vegetables. Since they remove nitrogen from the air and force it back into the soil, peas and other legumes help future plants grow. It’s an impressive symbiotic relationship! 

There are three kinds of peas, and they’re all good for you. Sugar snap peas tend to emerge earlier in the spring and have a plump edible pod with peas inside; think of these as green beans’ curvier and sweeter cousins. Snow peas, conversely, have much flatter edible pods with tiny peas inside and are often used in stir-fries. And finally, there are shelling peas; inside a shelling pea’s fibrous and inedible pod live the green peas you’re probably most familiar with, also called garden or English peas. No matter which peas you choose, you’ll get a bit of protein, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, and Vitamins C and K.

How to choose and store peas 

To choose the most delicious fresh peas, choose more petite peas (large peas can be old and fibrous) with bright green pods and tendrils that aren’t wilted or yellowing. Shelling peas should have plump pods; sugar snap peas and snow peas should have crisp pods with only a few small scars. And since fresh peas spoil within a few days, be sure to store them in the coldest part of your refrigerator in an open bag or perforated container (we want some air to get in) and enjoy within 3-5 days. When removing shelling peas from their pods, note that one pound of unshelled pea pods will yield about 1 cup of peas, and be sure to shell them right before cooking. Also, remember that only shelling peas have inedible pods; sugar snap and snow peas should be eaten whole.

How to prepare peas 

Peas can be enjoyed raw, steamed, blanched, boiled, or simply stirred into a very hot dish (which will cook the delicate peas). Raw sugar snap peas are a great snack on their own and can also substitute for chips when eating dips. Fresh peas are also great additions to salads, pasta dishes, rice dishes, casseroles, soups, stews, and stir-fries. For a simple side dish, steam fresh peas for 5 minutes or until bright green and fork tender. Add fresh herbs such as parsley, dill, or mint, and enjoy!  

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these pea-forward dishes from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:


Seasonal produce - an assortment of pie or sugar pumpkins on a table

fotofabrika – stock.adobe.com

Pumpkin seeds dating back to 7,000-5,500 BCE were discovered in Mexico, so we know pumpkins have been growing in North America for at least 9,000 years. Indigenous Americans traditionally planted pumpkins, corn, and beans, known as the three sisters, together to support healthy crops from all three plants. Companion planting remains popular with home and organic farmers who want to avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

You might associate pumpkins with jack-o’-lanterns, but carved pumpkins are usually made from carving pumpkins, the varieties with cavernous interiors and stringy flesh. Not great for eating! Sweet pumpkins, also called pie or sugar pumpkins, are small, sweet, and meaty, making them perfect for cooking or baking. Think of these pumpkins as the larger, oranger cousins of butternut squash. One cup of cooked pumpkin is an excellent source of Vitamin A and a good source of fiber, Vitamin E and C, potassium, copper, and manganese.  

How to choose and store pumpkins

Look for pumpkins that are heavy for their size and have tough rinds. Avoid pumpkins with cuts, rotting stems, or split, cracked, or sunken skins. Pumpkin stems should be well-attached and dry, and the skin should be free of blemishes. Store your pumpkin in a cool place, like the pantry, and keep it away from moisture, which causes decay. When stored in a dry and cool environment, pumpkins can last for a few months.

How to prepare pumpkins

You can blend or puree roasted pumpkin for smoothies and soups or to use when baking pies, breads, or muffins. You can skewer pumpkin slices to cook on the grill or use roasted pumpkin as a healthy but hearty pizza topping. You can also add roasted pumpkin to pasta dishes, rice dishes, stir-fries, salads, and stews. For a simple but hearty side dish, toss thick pumpkin wedges with salt, pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, and olive oil and roast at 350F for 45 to 50 minutes, turning once halfway through. And don’t throw away those nutritious seeds! Pepitas, as they’re called, are great on salads, in baked goods and homemade granola, and make a healthy finishing touch when sprinkled over roasted vegetables.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these fun savory pumpkin dishes:


Seasonal produce - fresh spinach for sale at the farmers market in May

engin akyurt – unsplash.com

Spinach is a surprisingly storied vegetable. Humans have cultivated spinach for more than 2,000 years, starting in modern-day Iran. The green pigment from spinach was even extracted and used as paint by Medieval artists. And, legend has it that Florence-born Queen Catherine de’ Medici of France loved spinach so much that she requested it as part of every meal, which increased its culinary popularity so much that many spinach dishes were named “Florentine” in her honor. But that’s not all! Studies suggest that spinach might be able to stop a bomb…sort of. A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory research project found that some enzymes in spinach might help neutralize explosives without heat, alkaline waste, high pressure, or toxic byproducts. Now that’s a fascinating veggie!

Since spinach seeds love cool soil, they can be planted before the last frost in spring and before the first frost in fall. That means that spinach has two harvest seasons, which is lucky for us because spinach is packed with nutrients like Vitamins A, C, and K. Spinach also contains a bit of iron, fiber, folate, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, and Vitamins B6 and E. In fact, one cup of cooked spinach has about 20 percent of the iron adults need in a day. Popeye was on to something!

How to choose and store spinach

When selecting fresh spinach, look for crisp, bright green bunches without limp leaves, insect damage, or mushy sections. Wrap your spinach in a dry paper towel (to soak up any extra moisture) and refrigerate in a bag for about 3 to 5 days. To prolong the life of your spinach, wash bunches just before using since refrigerating wet spinach can speed up spoilage. You can also freeze spinach for up to one year; to do so, blanch leaves for two minutes, and once cool, drain and seal well.

How to prepare spinach

Raw spinach is fantastic in salads, sandwiches, smoothies, wraps, and pesto. You can even add raw spinach to hot soups, stews, mashed potatoes, and pasta dishes; the heat from the dish will lightly cook the spinach and add both color and flavor to your favorite recipes. Spinach is also a great addition to dips, casseroles, omelets, quiches, risotto, stir-fries, stuffed chicken or mushrooms, and even savory pies. As a side dish on its own, spinach can also be steamed, sauteed, or even microwaved. To sauté, heat garlic, red pepper flakes, and a few teaspoons of olive oil until fragrant; then, add spinach, toss to coat, and cover for one minute. Drain any excess moisture and enjoy.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:

Sweet potatoes

seasonal produce - raw organic assorted sweet potatoes

Brent Hofacker – stock.adobe.com

Though yams and sweet potatoes are often referred to interchangeably in the U.S., the two are entirely different plants: Yams are tubers (like white potatoes), and sweet potatoes are true roots, like carrots or beets. Yams have coarse, tree bark-like skin, white flesh, and are starchy. Sweet potatoes have smooth skin and orange flesh with sweeter flavors. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of fiber, manganese, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A.  

How to choose and store sweet potatoes

Look for firm, vibrant sweet potatoes with smooth skin. Avoid sweet potatoes with cracks, blemishes, or mushy spots. Avoid storing sweet potatoes in the refrigerator, which will ruin their flavor and texture. Instead, store sweet potatoes in a cool, dry, dark place and use within two to three weeks. If storing at room temperature, enjoy sweet potatoes within a week.

How to prepare sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are delicious steamed, roasted, boiled, baked, or grilled. Bake sweet potatoes to enjoy as sweet potato fries or chips. Boiled sweet potatoes can be mashed and enjoyed as a side dish or added to pancake, bread, or muffin recipes. Roasted cubed sweet potatoes can be a great side on their own and are also delicious in soups, casseroles, green salads, and pasta dishes. To roast sweet potatoes, peel, cube, drizzle with a bit of olive oil, sprinkle with a little salt and pepper or other seasonings, and bake in a single layer at 425F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:

November’s best produce: Fruit to look for this month

Blood oranges are back! This month, cranberries, Meyer lemons, Valencia, Lima, navel, and Cara Cara oranges, tangerines, clementines, mandarins, and grapefruit will arrive at farmer’s markets and fresh fruit sections of grocery stores. Apples and Bosc, Bartlett, and D’Anjou pears are still in season, too.   


Seasonal produce - a closeup of many apple varieties in a wicker basket

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com

The study of fruit cultivation is called pomology, a word that originates from pome fruits like apples. You’ve probably noticed an interesting characteristic of apples: A powdery residue known as bloom, a natural coating that seals in the fruit’s moisture, acts as a barrier against mold, bacteria, and insect infestations, and sometimes gives apples a dusty look.

It’s not quite true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but apples do provide many nutrients: Apples with their skin are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of Vitamin C.

How to choose and store apples

Whether baking apples or enjoying them as a snack, look for firm apples that feel heavy for their size. Avoid apples with soft spots or significant blemishes. Since apples produce ethylene gas, which can accelerate ripening and spoilage, store them away from other fruits and vegetables. When stored at room temperature, apples ripen much faster than when refrigerated. So, if stored at room temperature, enjoy apples within seven days. To keep apples fresh longer, refrigerate them in the produce drawer for up to three weeks.

How to prepare apples

Apples are fantastic when enjoyed raw, baked, blended, or pureed. To enjoy a simple snack or dessert, sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon and dip in Greek yogurt or nut butter, or pair with some sharp cheddar cheese. Raw apples can also be added to oatmeal, cold cereals, yogurts, smoothies, or salads, or sauteed or baked for a simple, slightly sweet side dish or dessert.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:

Want even more options? Try these fun, low- or no-added-sugar ideas:

Blood oranges 

seasonal produce - a bowl of whole blood oranges from above, with a single blood orange cut in half

Brent Hofacker – stock.adobe.com.

Many of us already know that oranges are a great source of Vitamin C—providing as much as 90 percent of the recommended Daily Value in a single medium-sized fruit—you might be surprised to know they even contain a bit of fiber, calcium, and folate, as well. All this, and they’re delicious too!

How to choose and store blood oranges

As with any produce, there’s a trick to picking the best citrus. The best blood oranges are those that seem heavy for their size. That’s a good sign that they have a higher water content; that means they’ll be nice and juicy! And since their thick peels protect these fruits from going bad quickly, you can store whole blood oranges on the counter for a few days (more than two days is probably pushing it) or in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. 

How to prepare blood oranges

Blood oranges are beautiful just as they are, so we highly recommend having one straight from the peel. But they’re great for adding a punch to salads, salsas, and marinades. Top baked white fish with a blood orange salsa, and add blood oranges to an arugula salad (the bitter greens pair nicely with the sweetness of the orange). And don’t throw away those citrus peels; you can compost them, or dehydrate or freeze them for many uses.

Looking for a tasty recipe? Try these citrusy options from The Healthy Cook:


Seasonal produce - four clementine citrus fruits on a wooden board, one peeled

Xalanx – stock.adobr.com.

Clementines may have originated thousands of years ago in China. The clementine is a tangor, a hybrid of a mandarin and a sweet orange. This cross results in a unique, super sweet, seedless, low-acidity fruit with very little pith that’s easy to peel—the ideal citrus fruit snack for adults and children! Like all citrus fruits, clementines are an excellent source of Vitamin C.

How to choose and store clementines

Look for fragrant clementines (they should smell bright and citrusy) that are firm but not hard; you’re looking for a little “bounce back” when you squeeze them. Clementines should also be brightly colored and heavy for their size. Avoid clementines with mushy or moldy spots or any clementines whose peels feel like they’re already starting to separate from the inner flesh. Store whole clementines at room temperature (avoid direct sunlight) for up to one week. If you need them to last longer, store whole clementines in a plastic bag in the produce drawer of your refrigerator for up to six weeks.

How to enjoy clementines

Clementines are a fantastic snack on their own. Simply peel and enjoy! But like many citrus fruits, clementines can also add flavor and color to green salads, salsas, and marinades. They can add pizazz to oatmeal, cereals, yogurts, smoothies, salads, and even sandwiches. And don’t throw away those citrus peels; you can compost them, or dehydrate or freeze them for many uses.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these unique and tasty ideas:


Seasonal produce - freshly harvested cranberries spilling out of a green pail

Татьяна – stock.adobe.com.

Native to North America, cranberries have a long history. For 12,000 years before European colonists arrived, Indigenous peoples in North America had been gathering cranberries for food, as well as use in dyes and medicines. The Wampanoag Nation, Mashantucket Pequot Nation, and Lenni Lenape Nation call them imibi, or bitter berry. Their English name originates from early European colonists, who noted that the cranberry flower resembled a crane’s head, and dubbed them “crane berries,” though they aren’t true berries. Over time, the “e” was dropped, and the word cranberry was born.

And it’s no surprise that this edible fruit has been a staple for so many for so long. Fresh cranberries are about 87 percent water, which makes them quite hydrating. They’re also an excellent source of fiber and a good source of Vitamin C.

How to choose and store cranberries

Choose fresh cranberries that are plump, slightly opaque, and dark red or yellowish red in color. Cranberries should also be firm and have some give when squeezed. When it comes to picking the ripest cranberries, some swear by the “bounce” test: When dropped, a ripe cranberry should bounce and make an audible sound. Avoid cranberries that look shriveled, mushy, moldy, or bruised. Store fresh cranberries in a plastic bag in the refrigerator’s produce drawer for up to eight weeks. If you want them to last longer, cranberries freeze beautifully in an air-tight container for up to one year. If storing cooked cranberries, refrigerate them in a covered container for up to a week.

How to prepare cranberries

Though some may find them a bit bitter on their own, fresh cranberries can be enjoyed raw, just as you would blueberries or strawberries. And, of course, fresh or roasted cranberries can add flavor and color to salads, chicken and tuna salads, oatmeal, yogurt, and even smoothies. Cranberries are also delicious in breads, muffins, and even pancakes, and can be roasted or used to make tasty salsas, preserves, relishes, and sauces.

Looking for tasty ideas? Try these recipes from The Healthy Cook Kate Sherwood:

Want even more unique ideas? Try these savory cranberry recipes:  


Seasonal produce - a grapefruit tree ready to harvest in citrus season

Mel Stoutsenberger – stock.adobe.com.

Grapefruit is a cross between a pomelo and a sweet orange, believed to have originated in Barbados. Grapefruit’s name may have stemmed from the observation that grapefruits grow in bunches, just like grapes. Though you might be most familiar with pink grapefruit, some grapefruit are red, white, and golden. From a nutritional standpoint, grapefruit is a great addition to your diet: Half a medium-sized grapefruit is an excellent source of Vitamins A and C and a good source of fiber. Just beware that grapefruit doesn’t mix with some medications.

How to choose and store grapefruit

Look for plump, fragrant grapefruit with smooth skin that’s rich in color and feels heavy for its size; that means lots of juice! When you squeeze the fruit, it should feel firm but have some “bounce back.” Avoid grapefruit that’s mushy, moldy, or smells musky. And don’t worry about a few blemishes on the fruit skins; since the skins are so thick, these blemishes won’t impact the quality and flavor of the fruit. Store grapefruit at room temperature for two to three days to enjoy juicier fruit. To keep it fresh for longer, store grapefruit in the refrigerator’s produce drawer for up to two weeks.

How to enjoy grapefruit

Like many citrus fruits, grapefruit is delicious on its own. Simply peel and enjoy! And like many citrus fruits, grapefruit can add flavor and color to green salads, salsas, marinades, oatmeal, cereals, yogurts, and smoothies. And don’t throw away those citrus peels; you can compost them, or dehydrate or freeze them for many uses.

Looking for a few tasty grapefruit-forward recipes? Try these unique ideas:  


Seasonal produce - a variety of fresh grapes for sale at market

Nitr – stock.adobe.com

Grapes have been growing on our planet since before modern humans evolved. In fact, the oldest grape fossil found by scientists is about sixty-six million years old, which means grapes were around during the Cretaceous period! Like blueberries and apples, grapes have bloom, a powdery coating that seals in the fruit’s moisture, acts as a barrier against mold, bacteria, and insect infestations, and gives grapes that dusty look. This coating is also a good sign that the fruit is fresh since it fades with time and handling.  

Grapes are also sweet and nutritious. Grapes are an excellent source of copper and a good source of Vitamins K and B6, thiamine, riboflavin, and potassium.

How to choose and store grapes

Though there are many shades and varieties of grapes, most grapes you find in markets will either be green, red, or blue-black. When choosing green grapes, look for a yellowish translucent hue, and when choosing red or blue-black grapes, look for rich, dark hues. No matter the variety, look for a bit of that bloom on your grapes; that white-grey cast is what you want to see! Also, look for plump grapes that are still firmly attached to their vibrant green stems, and avoid mushy, soft, wrinkled, or moldy grapes. Store unwashed grapes in a perforated plastic bag in the produce drawer of the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

How to prepare grapes

Of course, grapes are great for making jelly. But grapes are also an easy snack and delicious in salads, smoothies, oatmeal, and yogurt. Plus, you can even grill grapes for a unique and tasty dish.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Check out these fun, low- or no-added-sugar ideas:


Seasonal produce - a pile of fresh tangelo mandarins for sale at market

posh – stock.adobe.com.

You might be most familiar with the very popular clementine and tangerine—both mandarins—but there are more than 100 varieties, including satsuma, sumos, tangelos (above), and gold nuggets. Mandarins are sweeter than oranges and generally smaller, with thinner, looser skin that makes them easy to peel. And they’re not just tasty; they’re healthy! One mandarin is an excellent source of Vitamin C.

How to choose and store mandarins

Look for brightly colored, slightly soft mandarins that are heavy for their size. Mandarins should be fragrant and uniform in color and shape. Avoid mandarins with mushy or moldy spots or any mandarins whose peels feel like they’re already starting to separate from the inner flesh. Store whole mandarins at room temperature for up to one week or in a plastic bag in the produce drawer of your refrigerator for up to three weeks.

How to enjoy mandarins

Mandarins are easy to peel, sweet, and delicious. So, for a healthy snack, enjoy them just as they are. But mandarins can add flavor and color to oatmeal, cereals, yogurts, and smoothies, as well as green salads, salsas, marinades, and even sandwiches. And don’t throw away those citrus peels; you can compost them, or dehydrate or freeze them for many uses.

Looking for a few tasty ideas? Try these sweet-and-savory mandarin-forward recipes:

Meyer lemons

Seasonal produce - a bowl of fresh Meyer lemons, the star of citrus fruit season

ymstudio – stock.adobe.com

Perhaps the most distinctive lemon is the Meyer lemon—named for USDA explorer Frank Meyer, who brought them to the U.S. in 1908—are a cross between a mandarin and a lemon. In flavor, they’re the perfect balance of each: sweeter than a lemon and more tart than a mandarin. In the U.S., Meyer lemons didn’t gain culinary popularity until the 1970s. In the 1990s, Martha Stewart’s Meyer lemon recipes increased this fruit’s mainstream profile. And like their lemon and mandarin cousins, Meyer lemons are an excellent source of Vitamin C.

How to choose and store Meyer lemons

Meyer lemons have a floral-citrus scent and are a bit rounder and smaller than traditional lemons. Choose fragrant Meyer lemons that are deep yellow in color (a hint of orange is good, too!) with no green, soft, or discolored spots. And since these lemons are a bit more fragile and thin-skinned than other lemon types, store them in the fridge and use within two weeks. Also, keep in mind that these lemons will lose some of their flavor as they age.

How to enjoy Meyer lemons

Take advantage of these wonderful fruits by using both their peel and flesh. In fact, some recipes even call for the whole Meyer lemon, skin and all. But Meyer lemons can add flavor to green salads, salsas, marinades, baked goods, fish and pasta dishes. Meyer lemons are also delicious roasted and blended or juiced to make curd, soups, dressings, and sauces. And don’t throw away those citrus peels; you can compost them, or dehydrate or freeze them for many uses.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these fun sweet and savory recipes:  


Seasonal produce - Citrus season isn't complete without fresh ripe oranges, shown here on a woven mat

lisa870 – stock.adobe.com.

If you’ve ever wondered whether the fruit was named for the color or vice versa, you might be surprised: The Old French and Anglo-Saxon word orenge, in use in Europe since the 13th century, described the fruit. The color was called yellow-red or reddish-yellow until the early 1500s. So, in English, at least, the color is named for the fruit. Who knew? Another fun fact: An average (baseball-sized) orange is an excellent source of Vitamin C and a good source of fiber.

How to choose and store oranges

Due to the belly button-like mark at their base, navel oranges are easy to spot. They’re also seedless and easy to peel, which makes them great for snacking. If you’re sensitive to acidity, Cara Cara and Lima oranges might soon be your favorites. Choose juicy, extra-sweet Valencias for juicing or smoothies. For all varieties, look for firm oranges without soft spots or blemished skin. They should smell fresh and fragrant and be heavy for their size. Avoid shriveling oranges that smell musky or fermented or whose peels feel like they’re starting to separate from the inner flesh. Store whole oranges at room temperature if you plan to enjoy them within a week. To prolong freshness, you can store whole oranges in the produce drawer of your refrigerator for up to a month. You can freeze oranges (a great trick for smoothies) for up to one year.

How to enjoy oranges

Oranges are perfect just as they are. Simply peel and enjoy! Of course, they can also add flavor and color to green salads, salsas, marinades, oatmeal, cereals, yogurts, smoothies, and even sandwiches. Oranges are also great grilled or roasted with lean proteins like fish, chicken, and turkey. And don’t throw away those citrus peels; you can compost them, or dehydrate or freeze them for many uses.

Looking for a tasty recipe? Try The Healthy Cook’s Citrus & Winter Greens Salad and Brussels Sprouts with Orange Dressing.

Want even more options? Try these fun, flavorful ideas:


Seasonal produce - flatlay of a variety of fresh pears in a bowl on a wooden table

Ozgur Coskun – stock.adobe.com

Pears, like apples, are pome fruits. For 4,000 years, humans have been cultivating Asian pears, and today, there are thousands of known pear varieties. And though pears are often considered autumn and winter fruit, Bartlett pears, which are popular in the U.S., start to emerge as early as August. And it’s worth it to find them when they’re in season: One medium pear has almost six grams of fiber.

How to choose and store pears

While all pears are great, if grilling, braising, poaching, or roasting pears, D’Anjou pears are especially lovely. If you’re canning or making preserves or sauces, Bartlett pears are the way to go. And if you’re looking for crisper pears, pick the Asian or Bosc varieties. No matter which variety you choose, look for very fragrant and unblemished pears with smooth skin. When choosing Bartletts, press on the neck end; if they’re slightly soft, they’re ripe and ready. And since Bartlett pears change from green to yellow as they ripen, choose green pears if you don’t plan on eating them right away. Red Bartletts won’t change as much in color, but they will still brighten as they ripen. Store pears at room temperature until ripe; they should ripen within two to ten days. Once ripe, pears are best enjoyed right away but can also be refrigerated for three to five days.

How to enjoy pears

Pears are a fabulous snack: Just slice and enjoy! To add a bit of extra flavor, you can sprinkle pears with cinnamon or dip in Greek yogurt or nut butter. Raw pears can also be added to oatmeal, cereals, yogurts, and smoothies. Plus, they’re wonderful when added to green salads, chicken salads, and even sandwiches—try peanut butter and pear on lightly toasted whole-grain bread. Pears are also great grilled, poached, or baked, and blended or pureed into soups, preserves, sauces, chutneys, and dips.

Looking for a few tasty recipes? Try these fun no-added-sugar recipes:  


Seasonal produce - in-season tangerines with stems and leaves attached

Olesya – stock.adobe.com.

Every tangerine is a mandarin, but not every mandarin is a tangerine. Like most mandarin varieties, tangerines are bright orange in color, but their flavor is a bit less sweet and a bit more tart than many other varieties. Another difference: While clementines are seedless, tangerines aren’t. One tangerine is an excellent source of Vitamin C.

How to choose and store tangerines

Look for brightly colored orange and reddish fruits that are slightly soft and heavy for their size. Though tangerines should have pebbly skin, avoid tangerines with deep grooves or very bumpy skins. Also avoid tangerines with mushy or moldy spots or any tangerines whose peels feel like they’re already starting to separate from the inner flesh. Store whole tangerines at room temperature for up to one week. If you need them to last longer, store whole tangerines in a plastic bag in the produce drawer of your refrigerator for up to a month.

How to enjoy tangerines

Since tangerines are so easy to peel, they are a delicious and simple snack just as they are. Simply peel and enjoy! Of course, tangerines can add flavor and color to green salads, salsas, marinades, oatmeal, cereals, yogurts, smoothies, and even sandwiches. Like other citrus fruits, tangerines are a great accompaniment to grilled or roasted lean protein. And don’t throw away those citrus peels; you can compost them, or dehydrate or freeze them for many uses.

Looking for a tasty recipe? Try these fresh, savory ideas:

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